About 'methodist nursing program'|...critique a rough cut of a new film on Baptism which I received from United Methodist Communication today. The quality of the 36 Parables films has made...
I have been a member of Victory World Church in Norcross, Georgia since 2004 and had attended the church in 2003 prior to joining. I remember the Senior Pastor, Dennis Rouse announcing that they had training for ministry school and I knew at that very moment that I was supposed to be a part of that ministry; however, I had every excuse in the book not to register. It wasn't until 2007 that I heard someone mention the school again and immediately I knew that I had to be obedient and sign up. I recall the first time I met Pastor Lance Casey, the Director of Victory World Church's Training for Ministry School. It was the 1st Quarter and I remember thinking to myself; "Pastor Casey appears to be very laid back and reserved, I hope this class won't be a boring lecture"! However that initial perception of this man of God quickly changed once he began ministering the word of God. The bible says that the Word is quick and it's powerful and it's sharper than any two edged sword, piercing, even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit. When I think of this scripture I think of Pastor Casey's style of teaching. He allows the Holy Spirit to take full control of him and it is POWERFUL! The first time I heard Pastor Casey minister, he was teaching on the subject of finding your purpose. The Holy Spirit used him to impart such wisdom that I often found myself having to hold back tears. Although I am a sensitive person, I am not prone to emotional outburst, so this really surprised me. I soon realized that the Holy Spirit had entered in and the physical man, Lance Casey had left the building. Victory World Church Training for Ministry has been such a blessing to my life that I felt a responsibility to share this wonderful ministry with the masses. The word tells us that we shouldn't hide our light under a bush and it's time for this school and it's wonderfully gifted instructors to let their light shine. Recently I caught up with the Director of the school, Pastor Casey to ask him to give us some insight into the Vision of the School as well as his own personal ministry that God has called him to. AC: Good afternoon Pastor Casey. I want to first thank you for taking time out of your schedule and speaking with Associated Content. LC: My pleasure. It is a privilege to talk with you. AC: Let's begin at the beginning; tell our readers a little bit about who Lance Casey is. Tell us where you are from and how life was growing up there. LC: I was raised in a small town called Ardmore, Oklahoma. The population is around 23K. I was very active in playing sports but also took up piano in 4th grade and took lessons until I graduated high school. I played more tennis in high school and that became my primary sport. My parents took my brother David and I to the First United Methodist Church when we were young but less as we grew older. So I was raised in a church to an extent. After high school, I attended Oklahoma State University and obtained a BS degree in Finance. From there I landed a job in Dallas, TX with Mobil Oil Corporation. Then I really began to search for God because I knew something was missing from my life. I went to a Bible church and later to a Full Gospel church and it was there I was filled with the Holy Spirit. In January '97, the Lord brought me to Atlanta. I still had a lot of struggles living pure and really selling out to God. But through VWC and the Lord, He was able to get me totally committed to Him. For that, I am extremely thankful. AC: What impact did your past have on your present day life? LC:I think the lack of true Christian teaching almost made me hunger for more true teaching. That has really helped motivate me to search for the truth. And now as a teacher, I desire to impart truth whenever I teach. But also, I was not built up much as a young man. My family never really believed in me and this created a lot of doubts and insecurities within me. So there is a continual challenge to strive to be an over comer and see myself as victorious in all areas of life. AC: When did you become a Christian? LC: I really do not have a date of my salvation, but probably around 1990. I was filled with the Holy Spirit on January 21, 1996 and water baptized on January 23, 1999. AC: Do you think that your relocating to Georgia was divinely ordered? LC: My relocation to Georgia was definitely divinely ordered. I had friends I worked with at Mobil Oil Corp. who moved to Atlanta and worked at BellSouth. When a job came open in project management, they called me and told me to apply. I sent BellSouth my resume and forgot about it for a month. Then I get a call. Long story short, I participated in a phone interview where the interviewer asked me when I wanted to start and never asked an interview question. And she offered me the job without ever seeing me in person. So I prayed about it and felt led to take it. When I gave notice to resign from my job in Dallas, I felt total peace and knew it was God's will for me. I have been here ever since. AC: Tells us how you became a member of Victory World Church and when did you get involved with the Training for Ministry School? LC: I found VWC in the Atlanta Yellow Pages. I visited one time and pretty much decided this would be my church home. I was really challenged in my character here and knew God's reason for having me here was to develop good character in me. In July of 1999, I had an experience with the Lord where I knew He had called me to minister His word. When the school became available in 2003, I knew it was for me. So I enrolled and never thought twice about it because of my encounter with Him in 1999. AC: As one of your students, I can tell you that Victory is doing a fantastic job of training up leaders, however as the Director, can you tell us what the Vision/Mission of the school is? LC: The school fits in well with VWC's desire to transform believers into disciples. In the Great Commission, Jesus tells us to go into all the world and make disciples. There is a difference in maturity levels between believers and disciples. And that is what the ministry school endeavors to achieve. To take students higher in their relationship with God and make them true disciples. AC: There may be some readers interested in signing up for the next semester. Can you tell us when and how they can register for the next session of classes? LC: Yes, there are applications to VWMTC online http://www.victorywc.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=8367 Additionally, we will have applications to hand out from kiosks in the foyer of Victory World Church during the summer months. I think it is fair to note, we are changing the curriculum for 2008-2009 to include more leadership classes and possibly add an Interpersonal Skills class. So the program will contain good doctrinal classes with leadership training combined. In short, the program is getting richer. AC: Now, let's get back to you Pastor Casey and the call of God on your Life. What are you most passionate about? LC: I am passionate about teaching the body accurate doctrine and bringing the body to a place of unity in the faith. In John 17, Jesus prayed to the Father that His body would be one. Right now, there are many doctrinal differences in the body and that has created much division. Paul wrote about division in the church in 1 Corinthians and told the church that where there are divisions in the body you are acting like carnal Christians. This is something we must grow out of and go on to maturity and be ready for His return. AC: As a former broadcaster, I am extremely impressed with your communication skills. When did you know that God had given you this gift of communication? LC: Thank you, I really began to recognize it several years ago when I gave tennis lessons. But I never had enough opportunities to give more lessons so I never thought about using it more. Then when I realized I was called into the ministry, and began teaching in nursing homes, I had the opportunity to really use it on a regular basis and then the gift began to grow in me as I used it more. AC: I have heard you use the phrase "take ownership" in class. When did you know that God had called you into a "Higher" level of ministry and how did you take ownership of that call? LC: At various times in the past, I thought God was talking to me about preaching but I did not fully realize what responsibilities I needed to take on to make that happen. For instance, he would say to me, "time in the word" repeatedly. Yet I would only act on this sometimes. Not consistently. But then in July 1999, I came home from work and was surfing the channels on TV. When I landed on TBN, I heard Benny Hinn say, "if you are called to preach, you better preach even if you are living on bread and water." I thought that was a strong statement. Right then a friend in Dallas calls me and said she just saw Benny on TBN and immediately thought of me. I then said, "yeah, yeah I know. But I think I am supposed to be a king and not a priest." Then after we hung up the phone, I was laying on my sofa thinking about our conversation. Right then I sensed the presence of God hovering over me and the Holy Spirit said, "I have called you to minister My word. This thing is not as difficult as you are making it out to be. Just stay connected with Me and everything will be fine." Over the next two weeks, faith would rise on the inside of me anytime I told someone I was called to preach. So from there, I began to watch my Pastor, Pastor Dennis Rouse more closely on Saturday night services and began to do a Bible Study at work. I knew I needed to start right where I was at. As the saying goes, "bloom where you are planted." At the time that was BellSouth Cellular. From there, I took the call more seriously. Eventually doing small groups at VWC too and teaching in nursing homes. Then speaking opportunities came from mission trips, then I went through school and then later taught in school before I became the VWMTC Director. AC: Are you ready for the challenges and the joys that come along with full time ministry? LC: I think I am still in preparation for full time ministry. Also I am praying for the breakthrough to get in. Not sure where I will land but I know in my heart I need to fully embrace wherever He puts me. I believe His grace will be in the place or places He sends me. AC: Pastor, what words of advice or wisdom would you give someone that has recently taken ownership of the call of God on their life? LC: I would say be faithful, focused and diligent in your pursuit of the call. Peter prayed we should be diligent to make our calling and election sure. When you step into God's will for your life, there can be tremendous favor for a period but then the enemy will begin to attack you and try to create distractions so you do not stay focused or get someone offended at you to make you think you cannot impact people. But His giftings and callings are irrevocable. Once we know our calling and take ownership, His plan for us is to fulfill the plan. AC: Pastor, I want to let you know that you have blessed my life personally and you are indeed a blessing to the body of Christ. I want to thank you for speaking with me today and I pray that God through His Holy Spirit, protect you, guide you, comfort you and always provide for you exceedingly, abundantly above anything you could ask or even imagine. Enjoy the journey. LC: Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure talking with you and pray God's greatest blessings on you! May you prosper in ALL you set your hand to. |
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